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Q: I have pelvic pain and my nipples are very tender Why?
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Does having stomach pain and breast pain mean pregnancy?

Well, stomach pain and breast pain are obviously two different areas., this should not determine pregnancy.. You would have other symptoms, such as breast tenderness and weight gain, nausea.. that is if you are pregnant. If your not then could be just time of the month and sometimes that causes stomach pain, which can be determined to be gastric pain.. Hope this helps..

What is the very first sings of being pregnant?

Missed period Tender nipples / breasts sometimes nausea and/or vomiting

What does it mean when your nipples are sore and really tender to touch and are 9 days overdue for period?

That u could very possibly be pregnant

Is it possible to suffer pain from a pelvic fracture from 30 years ago?

Yes, old injuries tend to cause pain as you age and this is very common.

Are you pregnant if your nipples are sore and your stomach is very hard with no pain and sticking out quite far but you can not suck it in and you have discomfort when sitting?


You have unprotected sex alot since your last period the other day you noticed the holes in your nipples had gone bigger and more noticable your breats are also very tender are you pregnant?


Is pain in the pelvic area in the eleventh week something to be concerned about There is no bleeding or any other problem signs. Pain has been here for five days.?

Is it in the pelvic (hips/pelvic bone/vaginal) area or in your lower ab area? If it is truly the pelvic region, then you shouldn't be concerned. You muscles and bones will stretch out to make room for baby and that can actually start very early in pregnancy. Try sleeping with a body pillow or a regular pillow between your knees and thighs to help aleviate the pain. If the pain is in your lower abdominal region, then you should let your doctor know. If could be something, it could be nothing. Also, if the pain is in your pelvic area, you can try taking some Tylenol (acetaminiphin) but I would ask your doc if it would be okay to take ibuprophin (Advil, Motrin) because it helps with aches and pains alot better.

Can you have fibromyalgia in only one area of the body?

By definition Fibromyalgia is wide-spread pain throughout at least 11 of 18 "tender points" on the body, often in addition to fatigue. It would be very unlikely that someone with Fibromyalgia ONLY has pain in one area of the body. However, it is not uncommon that the pain is worse in one area than it is in others. Often, Fibromyalgia patients may not realize they have pain throughout the body until the various tender points are touched. Determining pain in those tender points only requires the application of mild pressure to each point.

Could you be pregnant if you got your period but had breast soreness that went away yet you still have little bumps on your nipples?

yes. i have had 4 children and never suffered tender breasts with any of them

What are some other symptoms for ovarian cysts?

Many cysts will go away on their own and you never are aware you have one. However, ovarian cysts can also cause medical problems such as severe pain, frequent urination if the cyst is pressing on the bladder, painful or pressing bowel movements, pelvic pain during intercourse or right before your period, and even tender breasts. Since you are having very severe abdominal pain, this is a potential medical emergency and you should immediately go to your doctor or an emergency room as cysts can also rupture.

Why do women have big nipples on small breast?

Nipples come in all sizes; men's nipples also can range from very small to very large.

You are 16 and you have 34AA cupped breasts and since your nipples and the small area around your nipples are still very tender will they grow larger?

i had small boobs wen i was 14 and then i start putin lotion every morning n nigth it start growing but it take tym now im 16 i have big maxi boobs :) x