This varies- can be period or pregnancy or many other things. See your doc.
They get swollen and full, and tender to the touch!
Swollen and/or tender breasts are usually among the first signs of pregnancy.
* home pregnancy test * schedule an appointment with your OB/GYN Symptoms * missed period * swollen/tender breasts * changes in color of the breasts * fatigue
you should not have swollen breasts when you get your period, if they feel like they are getting bigger, this is a sign of being pregnant. Your nipples will also get darker in color and your breasts will be tender to the touch.
You've had swollen and tender breasts for three months with very visible blue and red veins? Why have you not seen a doctor about it?
Yes. The same things happens with my girlfriend. Her breasts become very sensitive a few days before her period.
Side effects are: * Abdominal cramping * Nausea * Headache * Tiredness * Decrease/Increase in vaginal discharge * Swollen breasts * Tender nipples/breasts
Swollen or tender breasts can appear as soon as the day your period is due or even earlier. Early pregnancy and pre-menstrual symptoms are very similar, so tender breasts may occur up to a week before your period is due. A pregnancy test will confirm one way or the other as soon as your period is late.
Your first signs of pregnancy most commonly include: * missed period * tender/swollen breasts * change in color of the breasts * fatigue
Missed period, swollen and/or tender breasts, morning sickness are going to be the most obvious signs.
The common signs of pregnancy include tender and swollen breasts, nausea, increased urination, fatigue, and food aversions.
You actually start getten symptoms day after unprotected sex your breasts might feel tingely or swollen,tender