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There are many different reasons why hormones will make your nipples "burn"; I would describe the feeling as more of a tingle than a burn. (actually yours may burn more than tingle everyone is different). You might want to look in to it further as to why you're hormones are so active. Any chance you may be pregnant? menstral?

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They could be inflamed or you could be allergic to something that came in contact with them.

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Wearing clothes next to them that have not been rinsed properly (Too much detergent) there are probably other reasons too.

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Because fire is hot and skin is flamable...

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Q: Why are nipples red?
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Not all red heads have big nipples. Just like people of all different colours, nipple shape can vary depending on the person.

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it is genetics.

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my Mms red nipples

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yes he was also red carded for showing his nipples to the referee

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I am very sorry to tell you but you do have breast cancer.

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Because they are hot?

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pink if she has red hair

If you have sore nipples that are red can you be pregnant?

You could be, in the sense that it doesn't definitively mean you're not pregnant.

7 days past ovulation and i had a little red spot of pink or brown discharge when i whiped my nipples itch and breast are sensitive i have been emotional possible pregnancy?

7 days past ovulation and you have little red spots discharge at your nipples, and sensitive breasts warrants a pregnancy test.

How does Aristotle's beliefs illustrate Greek humanism?

nipples. just nipples. only nipples. if there were no nipples, there would be no life. nipples are the reason that the world exists.