Holes in the nipple are normal There are holes through which milk can flow, and holes for the oils that lubricate the nipple. If this is a new hole in your nipple, see your health care provider for accurate diagnosis.
it's normal
''Hello to you little nipple, I miss you.''
That you decided to get a nipple piercing.
A long breast with no nipple.
Yes, of course they do. That is where the milk comes out when a women nurses a baby.
There's a dent at the center of the nipple where milk comes out if needed.
I believe the weep hole is the small hole in the bottom of the air breather box that has the rubber nipple on it. Not sure though.
Probably, although it could be moths, rodents, or just a random hole.
Yes, you can. During the initial healing period it is always best if you get your nipple ring changed by the piercer, but after your nipple piercing has healed completely, you can change it on your own, at will. Here's how: 1) Make sure that the new nipple ring which you intend to insert is disinfected properly. Cleaning it with some antibacterial soap often does the trick. In addition to the nipple ring, your hands as well as the nipple piercing should be cleaned thoroughly with antibacterial soap. 2) Now for removing the old nipple ring. You need to start by pressing your skin next to one hole of the nipple piercing. Keeping the skin pressed, you have to slowly remove the ring from the piercing bit by bit till it comes out completely. 3) The new nipple ring should be inserted in much the same way. You have to pinch your nipples to make the piercing visible and then put the ring into one hole. Slowly keep pushing the nipple ring further into the hole till you see it come out from the other hole. Once inserted fully, you simply need to close the ring or tighten any screws on the ring. If you are finding it a little difficult, you should oil your piercing and your new nipple ring with some water based lubricant before changing the nipple ring, as this will facilitate the process. Putting a hot compress on your skin or taking a hot shower just prior to changing your nipple ring also helps a lot as this makes your skin softer, which enables the nipple ring to be changed relatively easier. With practice, it will become very easy to change your nipple ring, and practice you will get aplenty. What with the thousands of varieties of nipple rings available nowadays, you might just end up changing your nipple ring very often. Hence the above advice is sure to come in handy, provided of course that you do have a nipple piercing!
It was hurting a lot the past week, it was very sore until I got into the shower, I looked down and the white thing was brown and I may have irritated it, I felt it and squeezed it and it fell right off and now I have a little hole in my nipple?
Drive a 1/4" 12 point socket just a little smaller than the nipple base on over the nipple and the socket splines will bite into the nipple. Then unscrew it with a ratchet.
The nipple is nipple tenderness. Breasts tenderness is usually when touching any part of your breast..apart from your nipple...causes tenderness.