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it's normal

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Q: Your breasts have little pink veins where your nipple leads what does this mean?
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Do the veins in your breasts start to show more before your period?

It is highly possible that your veins will show. Before your period, hormones cause your breasts to swell which can lead to more pronounced veins.

What circulatory problem leads most directly to the formation of varicose veins?

malfunctioning valves in veins

Your not pregnant you are a Virgin and you have blue spider veins around your B cup breasts you are not overweight but often the Blue Veins on top of your hand and feet popout enlarged whats wrong?

Veins will appear blue. Don't confuse this with spider veins. They will often pop out on the hands and feet if you have been doing heavy lifting (hands and feet) or running or jumping a lot (feet). There is likely nothing wrong. If you don't like the blue veins around your breasts then get a tan.

What disorder leads to the formation of spider veins?

The blood pressure in the superficial veins is usually low, but if it rises and remains at a higher level over a period of time, the valves in the veins begin to fail and the veins dilate, or expand

What viens leads to the heart?

Pulmonary veins. Arteries lead away from the heart.

Blue veins on breasts sign of pms?

No. Some women just have those. I've always had mine.

If you can see blue veins clearly in both your breasts and even underneath them is that a sign of pregnancy?

Veiny breasts is a sign of pregnancy yes. But some womens breast skin is finer than others and veins are more noticeable. If this is new for you and you have missed a period, yes you could be pregnant.

You have had swollen and tender breasts for three months with very visible blue and red veins and have had discomfort in your abdomen pregnancy tests all negative period stopped what could it be?

You've had swollen and tender breasts for three months with very visible blue and red veins? Why have you not seen a doctor about it?

Is blood red when inside the arteries and veins?

Yes, but it will be a little darker inside the veins.

Why does leanne crow have veins on her breasts?

Because of the massive boob-age that cannot be contained in the- nah I'm kidding. You're muscles have veins to bring support and to keep them operational. So the muscles in her upper torso area are probably pumping serious blood in order to carry or hold her breasts.

Why 4 pulmonary arteries are needed whereas there are only 2 pulmonary veins?

coz it leads to the lungs coz it leads to the lungs coz it leads to the lungs

How does sclerotherapy work?

Sclerotherapy is a medical procedure used to treat varicose veins and spider veins. A sclerosing agent is injected directly into the affected veins, causing them to shrink, close off, and eventually be reabsorbed by the body. This leads to an improvement in the appearance of the veins and helps alleviate related symptoms.