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It's very common for women to get sore breasts and nipples before their periods. Our hormones are constantly changing as our bodies ready itself for perimenopause (the start on menopause where periods can fluctuate and our estrogene most of the time is lowering, but in a few women it can be high.) I wouldn't worry about it as long as you are doing everything you can with protecting yourself during intercourse.

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Q: What could be wrong if you have sore nipples one week before your period is due and you are on birth control but have been on several antibiotics?
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How old does a girl have to be before she gets nipples?

All healthy humans are born with nipples.

Can you know if your pregnant before your period I was taking antibiotics with my Birth Control and i threw up 3days in a row. I really need to know.?

Antibiotics can decrease the effectiveness of the pill. It is very possible to get pregnant while taking andtibiotics and birth control pills at the same time. See your doctor.

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Like a female dog. Think before you answer, you pervert. Stop staring at dog's nipples.

What does it mean when your breasts and nipples are sore but your on mirena and don't get your periodbecause of birth control?

Even when your period is suppressed by birth control, your body will still go through a hormonal cycle. Although it will probably be less pronounced then it was before, it's completely normal.

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Yes it can. Antibiotics also lower the effectiveness of birth control pills so there is a chance you may be pregnant. See your doctor for a blood test.

What age do females develop nipples?

BEFORE BIRTH, same as men.

Can antibiotics make you bleed before it is time for you to start?

I think it can becouse I do bleed when taking antibiotics. I am not sure if it is normal or not.

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Antibiotics should have no effect on inflammation unless you are allergic to it.

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hey do you know what it mean when your a women in you have bumps around your first they be smooth but then bumps come out of no were !! can you help me ??

You are on birth control you are taking antibiotics for a week before your period and then the week of your period you are not on bc and then you start back up the following wk how long should i wait?

There's no need to wait.

Why do boy cats have nipples?

For probably the same reason that men do. All boys start out girls whilst developing in the womb and develop nipples before they are boys.

Can food stop the birth control pill from working?

Antibiotics or other medications may interfere with the effectiveness of birth control, consult your doctor before you have unprotected sex.