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Even when your period is suppressed by Birth Control, your body will still go through a hormonal cycle. Although it will probably be less pronounced then it was before, it's completely normal.

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Q: What does it mean when your breasts and nipples are sore but your on mirena and don't get your periodbecause of birth control?
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You have Mirena IUC and had your period for 4 days which is uncommon your breasts and nipples have become extremely sore please help?

You are probably pregnant.

Will birth control Mirena show up in a urinalysis?

No, Mirena won't show up in urinalysis

Does mirena cause sore breasts and nipples?

Depo-Provera injection contains the active ingredient ... You should also be made aware of the potential side effects, as the injection ... Over time, this can cause a loss of bone mineral density and .... Breast tenderness or pain.

Can you change from the birth control pill to Mirena?

It's easy to change from the birth control pill to Mirena. Continue taking your pill as scheduled until the Mirena insertion. You can have the IUD inserted at any time that you are using an effective method of birth control.

Can you get pregnant if the Mirena is out of date?

Yes, you can get pregnant if you have had Mirena in for more than five years. Use an alternate method of birth control.

Has there been a recall on Mirena birth control?

No, there's been no recall of Mirena to date (March 2013).

What are some of the birth control products offered by Mirena?

Mirena is a birth control company that offers contraceptive devices alternative to the typical condom. One example is their intrauterine birth control; easy to use, convenient, and 99% effective.

What is the best birth control beside condom or pill or shot?


How can you be pregnant if you have mirena?

There is no 100% foolproof method of birth control. Pregnancies occur on all methods. Mirena is one od the most reliable, but is not perfect.

Is birth control a drug?

Birth control pills, patch, ring, shot, and Mirena IUD contain medications.

How many women yearly get pregnant taking the iud mirena?

Five percent of women each year that get pregnant while taking the IUD Mirena. This is a type of birth control.

What the difference between Essure and Mirena?

Essure is a permanent method of birth control that works by inserting a small metal spring-like device in each tube. Mirena is a temporary method of birth control that works with the insertion of a plastic device in the uterus.