The mans nipple is a bit sensitive , but the lady will have a far more sensitive nipple.
you need to suck them
The Nipples are most sensitive.
Yes, indeed they are.
Breast nipples are sensitive due to a high concentration of nerve endings in the area. This sensitivity helps facilitate the bonding and breastfeeding process between a mother and her child. The stimulation of the nipples can also trigger the release of oxytocin, a hormone involved in sexual arousal and lactation.
Male nipples have similar nerve endings to female nipples, making them sensitive to touch and stimulation. This sensitivity can vary among individuals, with some men experiencing heightened erotic feelings when their nipples are touched due to the release of oxytocin and endorphins, which are associated with pleasure and arousal.
It's thin skin
How to clean inverted nipples too sensitive to come out?? Can peroxide help? Mammogrames are normal...
sensitive little strawberries of wonder