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Q: Is one breast or nipple more sensitive then the other?
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Why men nipples sensitive?

The mans nipple is a bit sensitive , but the lady will have a far more sensitive nipple.

What is gynocastmia..My boyfriends nipple is puffy and ultra sensitive on one side only could this be a potential threat?

Gynecomastia is the enlargement or swelling of the breast tissue in males. Puffy and sensitive could be from a detergent or fabric that has irritated the nipple area, or it could be something serious. Men do get breast cancer and other conditions in that area that require intervention, so don't let him ignore it, especially if it lasts more than a few days, or returns.

Where can one find breast ducts?

Breast ducts, more commonly known as lactiferous ducts, form a branched system which connect to the tip of the nipple in the breast. These are the structures which carry milk to the nipple in a lactating female.

Why breast nipples are sensitive?

Breast nipples are sensitive due to a high concentration of nerve endings in the area. This sensitivity helps facilitate the bonding and breastfeeding process between a mother and her child. The stimulation of the nipples can also trigger the release of oxytocin, a hormone involved in sexual arousal and lactation.

Can you get scabies on your nipples?

Yes. It is more common in women. It can be around the breast, areola, or nipple.

When woman with large breast get breast reductions do they loose nipple sensation?

Breast reduction/loss of sensationThat depends on the how the surgery is done and the skill of the surgeon, but most of the time, no, the sensation in the nipple is not lost. There is always that risk, however and when the surgeon has you sign the consent for the surgery, they will explain that possibility to you. In addition:In the earlier breast reduction surguries, the nipple was removed and replaced in a different location usually higher up on the breast as most of the reduction was removed from the lower part. This separated the nipple from the milk glands and nerve endings. In more recent surguries, the nipple is left in its original position to maintain feeling and milk production.

Can you lose feeling if you get your nipple pierced?

I have had my right nipple pierced 3 separate times and I have never lost the feeling in my nipple, if anything it made it more sensitive. I recently pierced my left nipple for the first time and I definitely have to say that the piercing has definitely made it more sensitive.

What could be wrong if you are a 40 year old male and one nipple is more sensitive when you touch it and feels as if something is behind it?

If you feel a lump or mass behind your nipple which you have not noticed in the past, it is very important to have this evaluated by a doctor. Though not widely publicized, men DO get breast cancer.

Where can one learn more about nipple massage?

Breast Pump Direct has a lot resources concerning nipples and simple techniques every woman can use to maintain healthy nipples including nipple massage.

Will nipple stimulation using a breast pump induce labor at 37 weeks?

Yes, nipple stimulation can induce labor if you stimulate each nipple for 20mins each and then wait an hour. You should do this for 3 hours out the day.make sure you rest for an hour or more in between

How can gilrl improve her nipple size?

Most women who have a nipple enlargement do so as part of another cosmetic procedure, such as a breast augmentation. In this case a surgeon will perform a nipple enlargement in order to match the size and shape of the nipple and areola with the increased breast size, providing a more natural appearance. However, nipple enlargements are sometimes done as a single procedure and in this case can be performed on an outpatient basis. Nipple enlargement usually involves a tissue graft from another part of the body into the nipple, such as a small amount of fat or even some cartilage. A cautionary note is that breastfeeding may not be possible following such a procedure.

Does putting toothpaste on your breast hurt?

I am not sure why you would want to, but as the mouth is much more sensitive than the breast I wouldn't think it would hurt.