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Magic Johnson has never had an AIDS diagnosis. HIV and AIDS are not the same. HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) is the virus that causes a person to develop AIDS. Different people respond to treatment in different ways. Magic Johnson has been HIV+ for about 19 years and has yet to receive and AIDS diagnosis.

Magic does not have access to special medications or treatment options because of his wealth. He does, however, live a lifestyle dedicated to maintaining the highest level of physical fitness in order to keep him as healthy as possible.

It is not necessarily uncommon for people to be infected for as long as Magic without developing AIDS. Unfortunately, many times HIV infection is a result of unhealthy behavior. HIV+ clients who regularly use substances (for instance) may not respond as well to HIV medications because of drug interactions. These are issues that Magic doesn't have to worry about.

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Q: Is magic Johnson free from aids?
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Was there some sort of tribute on ESPN a few months ago at Michigan State University where Magic Johnson said he was HIV AIDS free with Links please?

(Asker) Somebody told me this when I said nobody has been cured of AIDS: "I remember seeing Magic on a "tribute" @ Michigan State on ESPN a few months ago where he was asked his "status" and he said he was "HIV/Aids free." I think this is either a lie or he misheard what Magic Johnson said; I cannot seem to find this tribute anywhere on the Internet, and I'm not finding anywhere that says he was free of HIV/AIDS. + I thought Magic Johnson was never diagnosed with AIDS; only HIV. + I don't think Magic Johnson eliminated all of the HIV from his body. Can anybody elaborate on this? And if you know what he is referring to, could you please provide me a link to this "tribute" so that I could verify this claim myself?

Which great NBA star is affected by aids?

Magic Johnson

What are some bad things of Magic Johnson?

ot aids

Who is still alive and has aids?

Magic Johnson is still alive and has AIDS. He had AIDS since 1999or 2000 i cant remember but he is healthy, but you can die from aids but Magic is still holding strong

Did magic Johnson have aides?

No HIV,the virus that causes AIDS. But HIV and AIDS are not one and the same.

What tragic event influenced Magic Johnson's life?

He got AIDS

Where can one see a picture of somebody who has AIDS?

You can look for a picture of Magic Johnson, the basketball player, who has AIDS.

Does woody harrelson have aids?

Yes. The rumor is is that it was contracted from Magic Johnson in 1991.

Name a famous person with AIDS?

Magic Johnson, former NBA player