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Q: How much air can a basketball hold?
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It pops because of how much air there is in. The air takes over and makes the basketball rip. Too much air can cause a reaction to the basketball. Why does a basketball pop?

a basketball is kinda like a ballon if it has to much air it pops

How much does a basketball weigh with and without air?

How much a basketball weighs depends on the size of the ball. A regular size 29.5 inch basketball weighs 22 ounces with air and without air.

How much air is in a kickball?

There is usually between 10 and 13 psi (pounds per square inch) of pressure in a soccer ball.

How much rubber is in a basketball?

It just depends on how much air is in the basketball, how much it is stretched out and what size it is (large or small).

How can you tell if you got to much air in a basketball?

Hold the basketball above your head then let if fall, if it bounces back up past your waist then it has too much air. This is what you always see referees doing before a game to test and see what ball is going to be the actual game ball. I TEST LIKE ABOVE

How much air can a elderly hold?

Not much... :?

How much air is put into a basketball?

up to about 5 pounds

How much air is in a average basketball?

7-9 pounds

What does the air in a basketball do?

The air in a basketball lets the basketball bounce.

How much air can a ACU hold?

a what

How much water can the air hold when the relative humidity of the air is 25?

how much water vapor can a cubic meter of air hold at 25 centigrades grades?

Why is a beach ball heavier than a basketball?

Its because it has much more air than a basketball so it is heavier.