Holes in the nipple are normal There are holes through which milk can flow, and holes for the oils that lubricate the nipple. If this is a new hole in your nipple, see your health care provider for accurate diagnosis.
Yes, each normal nipple has multiple openings.
Perve... You don't.
allow your friend to bite on nipple like girls and kiss your friend
Yes mostly from the nipple and the Areola ( the coloured area around the nipple ).
No because if the boyfriend s_ucks their nipple the boyfriend gets the milk.
Just one anus as in a male.
During pregnancy, hormonal changes cause the milk-producing cells in a woman's breast to increase in number and size. After giving birth, the hormone prolactin stimulates these cells to produce milk, which is then secreted through the nipple in response to the baby's suckling.
yes, if this has happened you should also watch for infection
there is two outer hole in the girl
It is normal for the nipple shape to change during puberty (in both boys and girls) and during pregnancy. If your nipple is changing at other times, see your health care provider.