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The best way is to ask for your medical doctor a new X-ray to evaluate your scoliosis after surgery, and he can tell you how you are at that moment. You need to be a brand new man before making any undue movements. Perhaps you have to attend physioterapy sessions before playing bowling, which requires that you bend your body.

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Q: How long after scoliosis surgery can you go tenpin bowling?
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How long is a bowling lane in candlepin?

Exactly the same length as in tenpin Bowling: 60 feet from the foul line to the headpin.

How long has bowling been around for?

Bowling has been around in one form or another since at least 3200 BC. (earliest evidence is known to exist). The modern version of tenpin bowling has been around since 1840 when the first indoor bowling alley, Kickerbockers of New York City, was built. Our tenpin bowling is derived from German Kegelspiel, which was played in America during the civil war.

How long do you need to keep rods in your back from scoliosis surgery?

I have talked to my doctor and have asked the same question. The rods for scoliosis must be left in for your entire life. they will never be removed. He also said that the rods are not uncomfortable, so you do not notice that they are even there. However, you may loose a bit of flexibility from scoliosis surgery.

How long is a bowling lane in duckpins?

It is exactly the same length as in tenpin bowling: 60 feet from the foul line to the center of the headpin. It is also the same width, 41 inches; though the gutters which run alongside the lane are both narrower and shallower than in tenpins.

How long after ACL surgery can you start bowling?

It will depend on your healing time. It is best to consult with your physician.

Can you be in the military with scoliosis?

I think that would depend on the level of your scoliosis and whether or not it affects your physical health or the safety of others while out in the field. I applied for the army years ago and I was turned down because of my scoliosis surgery

Are all levels of scoliosis considered chronic or just the really major ones?

Scoliosis is not considered chronic or acute based on severity of the curve. Chronic implies long term, so if you have scoliosis that is untreated then it is chronic. If you have a functional scoliosis that is improved through conservative treatment, or severe structural scoliosis that is improved through surgery, then it is no longer chronic. Of course, the more severe the scoliosis at the start, the less likely it is to be "fixed" and thus the more likely it is to become chronic.

What is involved in scoliosis surgery?

i had the surgery almost 7 months ago and i had a double curve so now i have 2 rods and 22 screws to keep it straight. my surgery was 6 and a half hours long and i was in the hospital for 8 days. most of the time you'll be in the hospital a much shorter time but i had other complications while in the hospital. not with my back though! that part went great.

How long are you in a cast after scoliosis surgery?

If you have a spinal fusion, which is the most common surgery, you are not in a cast at all, you are wrapped in an ice pack and usually stay in the hospital for 4-10 days. no that is not true i had surgery for scoliosis where they put 2 rods in my back and a bunch of pins and all of that im pretty sure that is called spinal fusion! and i didnt have to wear a brace afterwards or an icepack it was a tough surgery but i will never have to wear a brace again at least and its almost been 6 months since my surgery and i am already dancing swimming and everything else a kid does so you never have to wear a brace again after scoliosis surgery! and i was only in the hospital for a week! maybe not even probaly 5 days cause i had an awesome doctor!

Does chiropractic treatment work for scoliosis?

There is no cure but the curvature can be either corrected or the progression of the curving can be halted. Treatments include physical therapy/stretches, brace treatment, or surgery. Surgery can correct the curve to some extent but not completely. Every person is different and people suffering from scoliosis should talk to their doctor to find which plan of treatment would be best for them.

How long does Scoliosis last and why?

Scoliosis is a condition/disease of the spine, this is a lifelong condition and never goes away.Surgery can help correct curves but does not take the Scoliosis away

How long before your body recovers from surgery for scoliosis?

It depends what type of scoliosis surgery you are having. Mine took four hours, and I had posterior spinal fusion with bone grafting from the hip. If you have anterior spinal fusion, it will most likely take longer, as the surgery is done by entering the front or side of your body. With posterior, they reach your spine by entering your back.