Bowling has been around in one form or another since at least 3200 BC. (earliest evidence is known to exist). The modern version of tenpin bowling has been around since 1840 when the first indoor bowling alley, Kickerbockers of New York City, was built. Our tenpin bowling is derived from German Kegelspiel, which was played in America during the civil war.
First Answer: Yes, there was. Second Answer: Bowling has been around in some form since 5200 BC (the earliest we have artifacts to support). Bowling in the US, in it's current form, tenpin bowling, has been around since sometime after the Civil War. It is derived from Kegelspiel, a German form of ninepin bowling. The first indoor bowling alley was built in 1840, Knickerbockers of New York City.
There are several schools of thought in this. Some thing bowling has been around since about 3200 BC due to some artifacts found in a tomb that were very similar to bowling equipment. Some say around 300 AD in Germany. Either way it has been around for a lot longer than 100 years.
how long has deforestation been around
As long as guns have been around.
Bowling has never been part of the traditional Summer or Winter Olympics. However bowling has been a Special Olympics sport since 1975.
I don't know who exactly invented bowls but I do know that it was invented in England around 1190.
how long has the london eye been around for
As long as So Random has been around.
They have always been around
234 years fool