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Q: How do you please a mans nipples?
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What is the liquid in a mans nipples?

the liquid in a mans nipples is fantarastem

Which thing is made by a person but he never use it?

mans nipples

Whats does it mean when another guy pinchs another mans nipples?

It means they are homo's

Why men nipples sensitive?

The mans nipple is a bit sensitive , but the lady will have a far more sensitive nipple.

Where does a woman touch to please herself?

a mans wallet.

The length of a mans shoe?

Not quite sure wether you are wanting to know how to measure the length of a mans shoe or the average length of a mans shoe. Please be more specific when asking questions.

If you r a girl and your lover licks your nipples for a few seconds and how will it be please explain?

It is ticklish & therapeutic.

What are some names of primitive mans and what are there ways of living?

I do not now can someone tell me please it is my homework

Why are nipples gorgeous?

Soo.......WHY ARE NIPPLES GORGEOUS? THATS WHAT WE WANT TO FIND OUT!Me and my friend Shona think that nipples are gorgeous because they smell cheesy and we lovveeee cheese.They have nobbly bits around them and the nipples just love to stick out! x :)Thanks xIf you have anymore questions then please contact me on YOU X

Could you be pregnant not had a period due to stopping the depo but you have sore and hard nipples please help?

you might be

What are the best ways you can please him sexually?

-give him a oral sex -kiss him and lick him all over -twist and nibble on his nipples

What does it mean when nipples are on your baby cats belly?

It means that the baby cat is likely to be a female. Please note that male cats can have nipples too, so the best way to identify the gender is to look at the genitals under the kitten's tail.