The ring of color around the nipple is called the areola.
You shouldn't. It would probably be painful for the woman. If you had to do it though, just bite gently.
Nipple color is determined by genetics and hormones, so naturally occurring changes in color may not be possible to control. Certain medical conditions or medications can also potentially affect nipple color. It's important to consult a healthcare professional if you're concerned about any changes in nipple color.
you cant
mens are not thick mostly very white ...womans can be white but also a yellowy color
When you are pregnant those small bumps leak fluid to help lubricate your nipple to help it not dry out.
one a day womans color is white
Her nipples are BLUE
No, determining the color of someone's nipples typically requires observing them shirtless. Skin color can vary widely from person to person, so it's not possible to accurately discern nipple color without a direct view.
it shows you the true meaning of an invidual
Yes, but you may get a taste of the first milk, colostrum. Late in pregnancy, the nipple stimulation can actually induce labor.