You shouldn't. It would probably be painful for the woman. If you had to do it though, just bite gently.
If the nipple is exposed, then yes.
Lightly bite the nipple
allow your friend to bite on nipple like girls and kiss your friend
u have to let it bite ur nipple
Drive a 1/4" 12 point socket just a little smaller than the nipple base on over the nipple and the socket splines will bite into the nipple. Then unscrew it with a ratchet.
When you are pregnant those small bumps leak fluid to help lubricate your nipple to help it not dry out.
That's where the mothers nipple is located.
I am a women and personally, If u don't do it that hard, I like it. I dont know about other women. If you are gonna bite her niples, please be gentle!
Yes, but you may get a taste of the first milk, colostrum. Late in pregnancy, the nipple stimulation can actually induce labor.
Well you can but if you do it will dig into your skin and it will not stop bleeding! And if you have strong teeth to get under the skin and yank it got
because they are soft and cuddly, and if we sometimes lick or bite the nipple females like it
small circular area such as that around the human nipple or an inflamed area around a pimple or insect bite