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Pleurisy does affect you playing sports. It can cause chest pain with exertion and often causes shortness of breath when a person is running or moving.

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Is it safe to play sports if you have pleurisy?

you can but you might find it difficult seeing how pleurisy affects your ability to take deep breaths so unless it's badmitton i wouldn't recommend it

What effect does smoking have in sport?

Smoking hurts your lungs what means you playing sports gets lower and lower.

What is pleurisy in animals?

Pleurisy in animals happens in the respiratory system. Pleurisy is the formation of a very thick layer of membrane over the lungs. Both humans and animals can get pleurisy.

What is another name for pleurisy?

Pleurisy, also called pleuritis

How do you get rid of pleurisy in your lungs?

Pleurosy is caused by friction in the body. Tension in the chest area causes inflammation and can also effect the fluid in the lungs.

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No playing sports in the rain is more fun

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Pleurisy Pleurisy

How do sports bands effect your sport?

I'm personally a football player, and when I hear the band playing, It somewhat motivates me to play even harder. It can also be a negative thing, when the music is too loud it gets hard to focus. I wouldn't say that sports bands effect every player, but it most definitely has an effect on players.

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The benifit of playing sports is to get fit and live a longer life

Can a person have chronic pleurisy without lupus?

Yes, a person can have chronic pleurisy without lupus.

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I love playing all sports.

Is Inflammation of the pleural membranes called pleurisy?

Pleurisy is a lay term meaning painful breathing. Pleuritis is the medical term meaning infoammation of the pleural membranes. Pleuritis can result in pleurisy.