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Yes, playing Chess involves both hemispheres of the brain.

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Q: Do you use both sides of your brain when you play chess?
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Does President Obama play chess?

Both he and his wife Michelle play chess .

Do more you play pool or chess?

I play both.

What is the uses to play chess?

Playing chess helps develop your brain using strategy of how to win and remembering the different pieces and moves

What is the purpose of the chess?

im not exactly sure if your asking what you want to do in a chess game, or why people play and enjoy chess. well, im here to tell you both. what you want to do in chess is call ' checkmate! ' or actually win a chess game by checkmating your opponent. why people play chess is a lot less eaisier. i love playing chess, but most people play for the enjoyment, while others play for competetion, or the oppostite, relaxation. i hope i helped you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! enjoy chess!!! lolz

Where do you place your chair to play chess on sims 3?

You should place them each side, the sides where you should be able to see the little chess figures on the table, that the ways you face it. hope it helped :)

Why did the Egyptians play chess?

the same reason you play chess; for fun, entertainment

Do you need a ball to play chess?

You dont need a ball to play chess.

How do you play chess in a computer for free?

You can play chess at the related link below .

What is the suitable contraction for let us play chess?

Let's play chess.

What was the first computer that could play chess called?

The first chess computer that could play chess was called Deep Blue.

Do nerds play video games or chess?

'nerd' has more than one definition, So it can be both of them

Where can one learn to play chess games like a professional?

Chess Guru is great if you want to learn how to play chess this is the place to be. It contains articles on both the basic rules of chess and on the more advanced elements such as tactic, theory of the middle game, end game and opening. Its focus mainly on teaching beginning and intermediate players and it does that in a series of step by step, easy to follow chess tutorials.