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Q: Do most concussions come from football?
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Why people shouldn't play football?

Well Football is the sport that get the most concussions. On average ten of thousands of players get a concussion at least once a year.

What sport is known for frequent concussions?

NFL well basically football and not the soccer football.

What sports are the responsible for the majority of facial injury?

football with concussions...

Do soccer players get more concussions than football players?

well they are about the same they always have concussions

How many concussions before suspension from playing high school football?


Risks in football?

Broken bones and brain damage form concussions mostly

What football helmet protects the most for concussions?

the best helment to prevent concussions is 1. Xenith- Best helment to buy 2. Any Riddell revo helment 3. Schutt DNA pro/ ion 4. A normal Riddell helment 5. A normal Schutt helment 6. Adams football helment

What are the top 5 sports to get concussions?

You can get a concussion in but wresting, boxing or martial arts give the biggest risk for a concussion

Is football a real sport?

NO WAY! football is for wimps! they just clink heads and get hurt and concussions! people are such wimps these days!

How can momentum help you with helmet in football?

Like if you get mad and just want to lower your head and drill somebody really hard then most times you won't get a concussions

What is the most common cause for concussions in hockey?

The most common cause of concussions is checking, or using your body to gain a positional advantage.

What athelete had the most concussions?

mohammed ali