Only sore nipples can come to the possibility of pregnancy, remember, periods come when they release a NON fertilezed egg (hasn't had sperm in contact with it) and if your pregnant, you wouldn't have a period.
If your still not sure, I advise you to take a pregnancy test or see you local GP.
Thanks :)
Yes, they are. Take a pregnancy test if you miss your period
Yes, you can experience this during your cycle and during pregnancy.
Yes but you have to keep in mind that they are also pre menstrual symptoms.
Contractions feel like period pains on a whole new level. Imagine your worst period pain ever times at least 5. That's what labor pains feel like.
If you know you are pregnant, then "period pains" and "a period" are actually pregnancy related pains and spotting/bleeding that needs to be evaluated by a doctor asap! If you just suspect you are pregnant then, yes, those symptoms can be experienced in early pregnancy and everything could be just fine. You need to take a pregnancy test as soon as you calculate that is has been long enough for accurate results. Good Luck!!!
The missed period suggest you may be pregnant, take a test. If it comes up negative see a doctor as you may have a hormonal problem. answer Hi missed period can be caused by stress, age and diet. Some girls have irregular periods which can be a longer cycle or it can cause a period to skip a month. Girls who think they could be pregnant stress and cause there period to be late. Your mind can also play tricks on you some symptoms which you have loads of girl get. I got them because I thought I was pregnant when I weren't. When you think your pregnant you experience pregnancy symptoms and then you think you are. If you think there is something wrong go to the doctors. If you think your pregnant then go get a pregnancy test and find out if you are and not. It could be also symptoms of a period. Which is also confusing. I know some symptoms of early pregnancy which are: Feeling sick or having morning sickness tiredness metallic taste in mouth bleeding gums gaining weight or losing weight Headaches Sore boobs More toilet visits I know sore nipples is a sign of coming on cause I always get sore nipples just before I'm due on. Cramping and pains and back ache and back pains is also a sign of a period on it's way. Some girls don't know there pregnant because they don't feel or go through pregnancy symptoms in early pregnancy.
Headache is not a symptom of pregnancy.
Signs of pregnancy are absent period and positive pregnancy test. Watery discharge, butterflies, and lower back pains are not signs of pregnancy.
It's possible; Your symptoms of pregnancy will usually appear anywhere from the first week of your expected period to 1-2 weeks after your first week of expected period. Your first signs of pregnancy most commonly include missed period, tender/swollen breasts, change in color of the breasts, fatigue, nausea/vomiting, increased sense of smell, and weight gain. Here is a link to a website that will calculate the probability of your pregnancy:
If your nipples hurt or you have tender breasts it just means that your boobs are growing and you are getting ready to start your period or have your next period, in other words it is perfectly normal.
the same is for me.... i have been off for 9 weeks and i have been having them symptoms plus back pains and a lil spotting. i have taken 5 test and they all were negative. i think u and i are pregnant... get a blood test done.