roger clemens is a distant cousin to Mark Twain ,aka. samuel longhorne clemens
Roger Clemens is 49 years old (birthdate: August 4, 1962).
Debbie (formerly Debbie Godfrey) married Roger Clemens on November 24, 1984. Together they have four boys - Koby, Kory, Kacy and Kody.
It is a pitcher resembling Roger Clemens in the midst of winding up and it reads "Rocket Man" under the the figure. It was designed with his input. I also own the glove. Louisville Slugger makes a limited amount every year.
little nicky little nicky
Brian Clemens's birth name is Brian H. Clemens.
Clemens' birth name is William Roger Clemens.
Roger Clemens Award ended in 2008.
Roger Clemens was born on August 4, 1962.
Roger Clemens was born on August 4, 1962.
Roger Clemens Award was created in 2004.
Roger Clemens' MVP Baseball was created in 1992.
Roger Clemens' MVP Baseball happened in 1991.
Roger Clemens nickname is 'The Rocket'. roger clemens
Roger Clemens is 49 years old (birthdate: August 4, 1962).
Roger Clemens was born August 4, 1962, in Dayton, OH, USA.