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It is a pitcher resembling Roger Clemens in the midst of winding up and it reads "Rocket Man" under the the figure. It was designed with his input. I also own the glove. Louisville Slugger makes a limited amount every year.

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Q: What is the logo or picture on Roger Clemens glove?
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Yes, they have a logo. Follow the related link to see a picture of their logo.

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Emblem is symbol that which have physical structrue (Object) Logo is Just picture which they have released as their logo You can define Emblem can have soft copy ie LOGO(Picture)

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A picture of the Hewlett Packard logo can be found at the official Hewlett Packard website. Alternatively, an image of this logo can also be found on Wikipedia.

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A logo is simply a picture, so prepare you picture/logo and save it, then click on the insert on the menu bar, and chose picture from file, search for the picture and click OK you will then have your logo in Word which you can resize by dragging the corners. For more help with graphics see my website. and click on the graphics pdf

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Create a logo by using the Design GallerySimplify creating a logo for your business by modifying one of the logos from the Design Gallery.Click the location on your publication where you want the logo to be placed.On the Objects toolbar, click Design Gallery Object , and then click Logos.Click the logo design that you want, select the graphic and text options that you want --- for example, including two lines of text with the logo --- and then click Insert Object.To replace the placeholder text in the logo, select the text in the text box, and then type the text that you want.To replace the placeholder picture in the logo, click the picture frame in the logo, right-click the picture, click Change Picture, and then select the picture that you want.

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yes i think u can register up with nike an ask them

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On the fedex website.

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