Fernando Torres was born on March 20, 1984.
Chelsea F.C.
where does Raffi Torres live
Yes, in fact they both live in Liverpool in a place called woolton. Fernando and olalla live in a private estate next door to pepe reina and albert riera. however he is currently having a house built in formby in Victoria road whereby Steven Gerrard lives
Nora Valsami is 66 years old (birthdate: June 24, 1945).
Fernando Torres lives in London, U.K. with his girlfriend.
He does not live in liverpool--he lives in london. He lives in woolton hill road in woolton near SFX school
In Liverpool :)
Spain, Madrid
why Liverpool of course!!! but where??
39 Torres was
Fernando Torres
Fernando Torres...
Yes he bought Torres's house off him.
Fernando Torres lives somewhere in Liverpool city , as he has to come for daily practice.
Yes Torres lives over there.
Fernando Torres is from Madrid in Spain.