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Yes, I think he does now.

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Q: Where does Fernando Torres live in London?
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Does Fernando Torres live in Newcastle?

Fernando Torres lives in London, U.K. with his girlfriend.

Where in liverpool does fernando torres live?

He does not live in liverpool--he lives in london. He lives in woolton hill road in woolton near SFX school

Where do Fernando Torres live?

In Liverpool :)

Where did Fernando Torres live?

Spain, Madrid

Where Fernando Torres live?

why Liverpool of course!!! but where??

How old was Fernando Torres when Fernando Torres switched?

39 Torres was

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Does Luis Suarez live in Fernando Torres's old home?

Yes he bought Torres's house off him.

What area does Torres live?

Fernando Torres lives somewhere in Liverpool city , as he has to come for daily practice.

Does Fernando Torres live on three acres close or Victoria road?

Yes Torres lives over there.

From which city is Fernando Torres?

Fernando Torres is from Madrid in Spain.