Jonah Raskin was born on 1942-01-03.
Jonah Koslen was born on 1952-02-09.
Jonah Serfass was born on July 14, 1988, in Warren, Pennsylvania, USA.
Dolly Jonah was born on February 23, 1930, in Baltimore, Maryland, USA.
Jonah Ruddy was born on December 25, 1907, in South Shields, England, UK.
Jonah Lomu was born on May 12, 1975.
Jonah Lomu's birth name is Jonah Tali Lomu.
Jonah Lomu's father is named Semisi Lomu
40, Jonah Lomu (1975-2015)
Jonah lomu coach inpired him to play rugby
Jonah Lomu Rugby was created on 1997-03-31.
Jonah Lomu attended wesley college
Jonah Lomu is from New Zealand but is of Tongan heritage.
Jonah Lomu Has 2 Children Called Dyrelle And Brayley.....=]