According to Princeton Wordnet they define "team spirit" as: "The spirit of a group that makes the members want the group to succeed." This definition hits the core idea that team spirit affects not only the way people feel but also their pride in their team and need to succeed.
Ken lives on, Strong in spirit
this? where is your team?
Yes they are. A story is told that the Blue Dragon is trapped with a evil spirit. Ninoa spirit. The dragon means brings good fortune and good luck. The evil spirits needed luck to win the war against another evil spirit. So they captured the blue dragon for luck.
A very good team!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yeah that is a good team. But having legendaries on your team would be good as well.
good team sprit is when all of the team work together and co operate with each other s
The importance of team spirit is that everyone is excited and wants to participate. For example if your on a basketball team you want everyone to want to win. if they have the spirit and the drive to win it will make them work hard and you will end up winning.
one person:Pump, pump, pump it up team: pump, pump, pump it up one person: pump that (team name) spirit up team: pump that (team name) spirit up one person:keep, keep,keep it up Team: keep, keep, keep it up One person: keep that (team name) spirit up team: keep that (team name) spirit up GOOOOOOO (team name)!
the all world savera
team spirit means to do best work with team
As in any team sport it would things like fitness, teamwork, practice, being skilful, good tactics, well managed, confidence, good team spirit etc.
"Freshman Frenzy: Igniting the Flame of Potential!"
One Team One Spirit was created in 1992.
A few good suggestions for a good title for the spirit week section of the yearbook would be, High School Amp'd, Rah Rah Sisspoom Bah, or Go Team Go.
Conduct a good attitude and play fair, courtesy, strive the spirit, and grace in losing and probably you will be a better team for any kind of sports!
yes we are lack in team Spirit
Good cheer competition words can be anything that gives your team spirit. You should use anything that makes your team stand out instead of using basic everyday cheers.