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no he his filming a movie with modern family star Ariel Winter in "The Chaperone". He is most likely to return at the royal rumble or some time after.

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โˆ™ 14y ago
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โˆ™ 15y ago

yes he is but he will come back to the ring soon انشاء الله

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โˆ™ 16y ago


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Q: Is Triple H hurt
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Did Triple H get hurt?


How Triple H hurt his knee?

He Did a Pedieree ON Concreate

What happend to Triple H?

triple h was injured filiming a movie but before that shemaus kicked him in the head and he was seriously hurt and he said he plans to return in January

In the pedigree does the face really hit the ground for Triple H?

I'n not sure,but if it does it doesn't hurt.

Why did Triple H leave?

November or December when he comes back he got hurt during a movie

What is triple h nationality?

Triple H is American

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Triple H

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Who is better bigshow or Triple H?

Triple H

Which is better Triple H or Chris Jericho?

Triple H Triple H because he has the wwe title!!!!!1

Why did Triple H lose to undertaker?

Undertaker put triple h in hells gate and triple h passed out

Did the undertaker die after his match with Triple H?

No he didnt die after his match with triple h