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yes he is

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Q: Is Sean O Haire coming back to the WWE and is he a good wrestler?
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no he is coming back

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yes he is coming back soon

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sandman was good wrestler for hardcore,but no he won't be coming back



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i think undertaker is coming i hope he comes back I am a big fan

Is Sean slater coming back?

He currently has no plans to return as he is working on other television projects.

Is sandman coming back to the WWE?

well sandman is a great wrestler for hardcore so the WWE is not really his thing so no he wont be back sorry fans

Will Sean from Degrassi coming back from the war in season 8 to be with Emma?

I have heard that Sean is supposed to come back from the war i either season 9 or 10 but I am not completely sure if they get back together... i also heard that kelly and Emma broke up so hopefully Sean and Emma will be together!!! :)

When is Jay Sean's Break ya back coming out?

it will be relaeased either before 15th of february or on 15th of february

When is wrestler Jeff Hardy coming back to WWE?

Never Dont say he will never come back, you dont know that unless you are Jeff Hardy or Vince and are you? no , i think he WILL be back, but i dont know when

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The professional wrestler Rhyno has no plans to return to the WWE. He is currently under contract with Ring of Honor wrestling.

When will suicide the wrestler return?

Yes,Suicide is coming back on 2/10/11 In a match against Robbie E.,and Brian Kendrick