who is coming back to the wwe in 2010
Maybe Stone Cold-Steve Austin I am not shure but in 2011 !
WWE will be in town on June 26.
unfortanately he will not be coming back to wwe unless its a special occasion
he is coming back to wrestle john cena at wrestlemaina 26
dont think so sorry
No he is not coming back to WWE
i do not know when she is coming back to the wwe
yes she is contemplating coming back to wwe
yes mick foley is coming back to wwe . he is coming back on 11-14-11 :)
no dx is not coming back because Shawn michells is retired from wwe
He's not coming back
He is coming back this week
No. Rhino is not Coming back to The WWE. He is Going to Stay with TNA. Unless TNA Fires Him Or WWE Offers him a Contract.
He Is back
she is coming back August 9th
He is coming back February 21,2011