James Naismith was 78 years old when he died of a cerebral hemorrhage on November 28, 1939 (birthdate November 6, 1861).
James Naismith is a great Canadian because he invented the sport of basketball. Basketball is considered by some to be the second most popular sport in the world. Note that Naismith was living in Springfield, Massachusetts, when he invented basketball.
Basketball was founded in 1891.
James E. Akins died on July 15, 2010 at the age of 83.
James Shigeta was 85 years old when he died on July 28, 2014. (born June 17, 1929)
Etta James was 73 years old when she died on January 20, 2012. (birthdate: January 25, 1938)
James Naismith was born on November 6, 1861 and died on November 28, 1939. James Naismith would have been 78 years old at the time of death or 153 years old today.
James Naismith is no longer alive. He was born on November 6, 1861 and died on November 28, 1939. He died at the age of 78. He would be 150 if he was still alive.
Naismith suffered a major brain hemorrhage on November 19, 1939 and died nine days later in his home located in Lawrence, Kansas. Naismith was 78 years old. Naismith is buried in Memorial Park Cemetery in Lawrence, KS.
age of 78.
in 1891
No, James Naismith was white.
No; James Naismith died in 1939.
It is not known if James Naismith was rich or not. James Naismith is the creator of the sport, basketball. Basketball was invented in 1891.
James Naismith is famous because he invented basketball.
James Naismith invented basket ball.
I think James Naismith had blond hair