NFL linebacker Julius Peppers is 37 years old (birthdate: January 18, 1980).
Julius Peppers was born on January 18, 1980.
As of the end of the 2013-2014 NBA season, Julius Randle is 19 years old.
Julius Plücker was born on June 16, 1801 and died on May 22, 1868. Julius Plücker would have been 66 years old at the time of death or 214 years old today.
NBA great Julius "Doctor J" Erving is 67 years old (birthdate: February 22, 1950).
Julius Wagner-Jauregg was born on March 7, 1857 and died on September 27, 1940. Julius Wagner-Jauregg would have been 83 years old at the time of death or 158 years old today.
Julius Peppers's birth name is Julius Frazier Peppers.
NO, Julius Peppers is not married.
Julius Peppers was born on January 18, 1980.
Julius Peppers was born on January 18, 1980.
NFL player Julius Peppers weighs 287 pounds.
Julius Peppers weighed around 287 pounds during his NFL career.
New Jersey
Julius Peppers is will be making 16.7 million dollars in 2009 which will make him the highest nfl player of all time.