NBA great Julius "Doctor J" Erving is 67 years old (birthdate: February 22, 1950).
Julius Erving's birth name is Erving II, Julius Winfield.
julius erving
Will Erving is 5' 10 1/2".
As of the end of the 2013-2014 NBA season, Julius Randle is 19 years old.
NFL linebacker Julius Peppers is 37 years old (birthdate: January 18, 1980).
Julius Winfield Erving II's parents were Julius Winfield Erving and his mother's name was Callie.
Julius Erving's nickname is "Dr. J".
Julius Erving was born on February 22, 1950.
Julius Erving was born on February 22, 1950.
Julius Erving goes by Dr. J.
Julius Erving went by the nickname Dr. J.
Julius Erving acquired his PhD in the Arts while still with the Phillidelphia 76er's
Julius Erving's birth name is Erving II, Julius Winfield.
Julius Erving was born February 22, 1950 which would make him, as of January 13, 2008, 57 years old.
Julius Erving