US race driver Jeff Gordon is 46 years old (birthdate: August 4, 1971).
Yes. Jeff Gordon is married to Ingrid Vandebosch.
Nascar driver Jeff Gordon is still alive and well.
In the movie 'Cars 2', Nascar driver Jeff Gordon will voice the role of Jeff Gorvette.
He's a Born Again Christian according to Jeff Gordon has been a born-again Christian since 1995.
The cast of The Gordon Keith Show - 2007 includes: Jeff Hays as Jeff Cameron Icon Giddings as himself Kerri Navarro
Jeff Gordon's wife, Ingrid Vandebosch, is 5 feet 9 inches.
Jeff Gordon's wife, Ingrid Vandebosch, is 40 years old. She was born on November 8, 1970.
Jeff Gordon and his family moved to Pittsboro, Indiana in 1986. He was 15 years old at the time.
Jeff Gordon and his family moved to Pittsboro, Indiana in 1986. He was 15 years old at the time.
Jeff Gordon was 22 years old when he drove in his first Nascar Winston Cup Series race.
No, Jeff Gordon is a guy.
Bill Ward, the drummer for Black Sabbath, was 23 years old when Jeff Gordon was born. Bill was born on May 5, 1948 and Jeff was born on August 4, 1971.
Yes he is. Jeff Gordon is a multimillionaire.
It is not known what Jeff Gordon's mom did for a living. Jeff Gordon is a race car driver with NASCAR.
Jeff Gordon's Children Hospital
Jeff Gordon was born on August 4, 1971.
Jeff Gordon was born on August 4, 1971.