Martial artist Frank Dux is 60 years old (birthdate: July 13, 1956).
Claire Dux was born in 1885.
In the movie Bloodsport based on true events in the life of Frank Dux he fought a wide variety of fighters from different styles, that included the well known Korean Champion, Chong Li.This is corroborated by many organizations (like Alliance, Black Dragon Fighting Society International, etc) and witnesses in a 2002 documentary which includes VP of Marketing & Publicity Emeritus, Dr. J. Sinda,who recalls because of tales of Dux incredible speed Sinda was requested by Bruce Lee to find Frank Dux.In addition, one of if not the most winning World Karate Champions of all time, Victor Moore, said:"I fought and beat 'em all. Chuck Norris, Joe Lewis, Bill Wallace, Bruce Lee...Frank Dux was the only person I couldn't beat. And he was still a kid at the time. He learned from me and I said to everyone he was the one to watch. The one who was going to take it all---the real kumite, what we see as Bloodsport." Moore would later say on camera for the Beyond Bloodsportproduction.
Ze Frank is 39 years old (birthdate: March 31, 1972).
Frank Ifield is 73 years old (birthdate: November 30, 1937).
Barney Frank is 77 years old (birthdate: March 31, 1940).
Frank Dux was born on July 13, 1956.
Frank Dux was born on July 13, 1956.
Frank W. Dux proffessional record states he holds the fastest KO record of 3.2 Seconds! he is trained in Japanese Ninjitsu
There is skepticism surrounding Frank Dux's claims of being undefeated in martial arts. Some of his opponents from his alleged matches have come forward disputing his record and the credibility of his achievements. As there is no concrete evidence to support his claims, it is uncertain whether Frank Dux was truly undefeated in his martial arts career.
Tyson Dux is 33 years old (birthdate: June 19, 1978).
The homie Frank Dux from the Peptos, and lil Jack White
Frank W. Dux, in Nassau, Bahammas, he is still undefeated to this day.
Yes... Frank Dux was one of the first foreigners to master Muay Tai kickboxing in Thailand. When Sim Pop, Thailand's version of Howard Cosell passed away suddenly Frank Dux traveled to Thailand and having forgone his attending and being inducted into Action Martial Art Magazines 2001 Hall of Fame in NYC, he filled in Sim Pops place in commentating on Muay Thai Championship Fights, held in the beloved announcer's honor. Pictures of Frank Dux the Muay Thai fighter still grace walls of some camps and stadiums in and around Bangkok, Thailand (see: Jan, 2000 Muay Thai Fight Broadcast)
Yes, the movie ends when Frank Dux is going to enter the plane that is taking him back to the U.S.
leader = dux
Claire Dux was born in 1885.