The 1923 World Series featured the New York Yankees beating the New York Giants four games to two. Game 7 was played at the then new, Yankees Stadium. A 1923 New York Yankees World Series Full ticket played at Yankee Stadium is worth about $800. - $900. and a ticket stub about $350.-$400. A 1923 New York Giants World Series Full ticket played at The Polo Grounds is worth about $750. -$800. A ticket stub sells for about $300.-$350.
Condition is important. The slightest flaws could bring the price down significantly. Common flaws include; rips, creases, stains, and fading. Ticket stubs that are not ripped cleanly will also sell for less.
The cast of Phonofilm - 1923 includes: Binnie Barnes
At the time of his death on December 15, 1966, Walt Disney had a net worth of approximately $5 billion. If he were still alive today, he would have an estimated net worth of approximately $38 billion, if not more.
The cast of Hello Bill - 1923 includes: Billy West
The cast of La sardanista - 1923 includes: Lydia Bottini
The 1923 World Series featured the New York Yankees beating the New York Giants four games to two. A 1923 New York Yankees World Series Full ticket played at Yankee Stadium is worth about $800. - $900. and a ticket stub about $350.-$400. A 1923 New York Giants World Series Full ticket played at The Polo Grounds is worth about $750. -$800. A ticket stub sells for about $300.-$350. Condition is important. The slightest flaws could bring the price down significantly. Common flaws include; rips, creases, stains, and fading. Ticket stubs that are not ripped cleanly will also sell for less. For more information on vintage baseball tickets visit the link I left below.
The New York Yankees beat the New York Giants in the 1923 World Series 4 game to 2. Game 1 of the 1923 World Series was played on Wednesday, October 10, 1923 at Yankee Stadium. The 6th and deciding game of the World Series was played on Monday, October 15, 1923 at the Polo Grounds.
The New York Yankees defeated the New York Giants, four games to two, in the 1923 World Series.
Instead of a ring, a gold pocket watch was given to players for winning their first World Series in 1923.
Wow, is this a ticket stub from the first game ever played at Yankee Stadium? I don't know the real value, but the value of a 1923 world series stub from Yankee Stadium is anywhere between a few hundred and a few thousand dollars, depending on condition.
The New York Yankees first World Series title was in 1923.
The New York Yankees won their first World Series title in 1923.
The Yankees won their first World Series in 1923. The World Series has been played since 1903.
1923 Peace dollars in circulated condition are rather common and are worth $23 in silver content. Coin in uncirculated condition, however, are worth more. But in average condition it is worth about $23 for the silver in it. 1923 Peace Dollars are about the most common date of the series.
The New York Yankees and the New York Giants played the first game of the 1923 World Series in the home park of the Giants called the Polo Grounds.