Yes. Jeff Gordon is married to Ingrid Vandebosch.
Nascar driver Jeff Gordon is still alive and well.
In the movie 'Cars 2', Nascar driver Jeff Gordon will voice the role of Jeff Gorvette.
He's a Born Again Christian according to Jeff Gordon has been a born-again Christian since 1995.
The cast of The Gordon Keith Show - 2007 includes: Jeff Hays as Jeff Cameron Icon Giddings as himself Kerri Navarro
Yes Jeff Gordon a few years back. Here I found a hood for you at look under Jeff Gordon
Jeff Gordon has earned more in career earnings than Tony Stewart.
As of Dec. 2008 his estimated net worth was $205 million.
I'd say from $50 to $100.
24 Karat--106' Lazzara
No, Jeff Gordon is a guy.
If autographed, an authentic card could be worth 150.00 or more.
You could find some on