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AnswerThere are 7 players on the Netball court from each team the positions are: Goal defence, wing Defence, Goal Attack, Centre, Wing attack, Goal Keeper and Goal Shooter.

it is probably best that you have 9 players, 2 sub's incase of injuries.

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14y ago
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15y ago

There are 14 people on a court at one time (7 people for each team) but normally a team will have 8-12 people so they can have extras/reserves and everyone can have a break for a quarter as it is tiring.

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17y ago

It is estimated that there are in excess of 20 million people playing netball in 70 countries and on all five continents eg Australia, New Zealand, Jamaica, England, Malawi, South Africa, Cook Islands, Samoa, Fiji, Botswana, Trinidad & Tobago, Wales, Barbados, Scotland, Singapore, Malaysia. See IFNA website:

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13y ago

generally in normal netball there are 7 on a team, not including any reserves. They are GS, GK, WA, WD, GA, GD and C. There are 14 people playing at once - 7 per team.

If you play primary school 'Hi-5' netball then there is only 5 per team, not including reserves - they are the same positions as normal netball but without WA and WD

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16y ago

there are 7 girls who play on a netball court @ a time

but a real netball team would have @ LEAST 9 players

for subs just incase an accident happens

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14y ago

In Junior school you usually play high 5 netball ( 5 players) but mainly its 7 people in a team Center goal shooter goal attack wing attack goal defence goal keeper and wing defence.

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15y ago

2 play neka ryder

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Q: How many girls play netball in NZ?
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Her Highness has visited 10 times

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in NZ

Which artist uses nz as his signature?

Unless you've heard of an particular artist. The signature NZ comes from an art school in New Zealand.

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What is the total number of people who play netball in NZ?

8 but a full squad is 15

What 2 sports are popular in NZ?

Rugby and Netball

What did Irene Van Dyke help NZ achieve in netball?

I think the question should be more of, "what did NZ do to help Irene in Netball"? She came from a country very different from NZ and wanted a better life for her family. NZ Netball and her love for the game definitely helped her achieve what she wanted personally and as a career too. Her contributions to NZ Netball, and Netball as a whole has been great for the development of up and coming netballers and what the younger ones want to achieve. Remember that there are 7 players on the court and it takes a WHOLE team to achieve recognition and win or lose the game.

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Who is a famous newzealand player netball?

Current famous NZ Netball Players are: Casey Williams, Irene Van Dyk, Laura Langman and Maria Tuataia. NZ Netball greats, (in my opinion) are: Julie Seymour, Sandra Edge, Bernice Mene

What is the name of the nz netball team?

The New Zealand Silver Ferns

What are the most popular sports in nz?

netball ,soccer,cricket and rugby.

What did Irene van dyke do before she came to NZ?

irene play netball for south Africa and was a teacher over in south Africa before she came to new zealand

How many people play soccer in New Zealand?

Soccer in NZ is a minority sport, after Rugby, cricket, netball, fishing...There are 500 football clubs in NZ, with 8 provincial teams in the only semi-professional league - the NZ Football Championship.NZ has one team in the Australian A-League - the Wellington Phoenix - which are the only fully-professional team in NZ.Soccer is the second most popular sport at secondary school with boys, with girls it represents only 6% of sport.The estimate is that around 80,000 people of all ages and sexes play soccer, out of a population of around 4.2M

What NZ team is Irene Van Dyke in?

The Silver Ferns - national netball team

What was the first name for the NZ netball team?

it should of been the silver ferns but i guess its not