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He won 66 fights (52 by KO/TKO), including 25 title defenses. He lost only 3 fights, and 1 no contest.

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Q: How many fights did Joe Louis win?
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Who was better Cassius Clay or Joe Louis?

LOUIS was the closest thing to the "perfect fighter" ever and on the other hand Ali was a Freak who possesed abnormal speed and grace for a heavyweight...I think Louis would win as he was solid defensivly and would destroy ali if given half the chance ...Peolple will say ali wouldn't give joe the chance to unleash his devastating attacks.I think he would as ali was un-orthodox and did give fighters like foreman frazier norton and even Henry cooper the oppurtunities to really hurt him...none of which were anywhere near the calibre of joe Louis.Louis would cut off the ring and capitalise on Ali's weakenesess' especialy defending a solid left jab {which joe had}...LOUIS WOULD WIN I think Ali is way to fast for Louis but Louis was known as bomber so I think it could be a draw

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