LOUIS was the closest thing to the "perfect fighter" ever and on the other hand Ali was a Freak who possesed abnormal speed and grace for a heavyweight...I think Louis would win as he was solid defensivly and would destroy ali if given half the chance ...Peolple will say ali wouldn't give joe the chance to unleash his devastating attacks.I think he would as ali was un-orthodox and did give fighters like foreman frazier norton and even Henry cooper the oppurtunities to really hurt him...none of which were anywhere near the calibre of joe Louis.Louis would cut off the ring and capitalise on Ali's weakenesess' especialy defending a solid left jab {which joe had}...LOUIS WOULD WIN
I think Ali is way to fast for Louis but Louis was known as bomber so I think it could be a draw
hands down Joe Louis the man held his championship for 12 years he destroyed anybody that stood in his way Clay was a great fighter too he named the rounds he would win his fights and made alot of people want to watch boxing so if you judge them by there boxing records Joe Louis is better
Cassius Clay, Joe Fraizer, George Foreman Rocky Marciano.
youngest was mike Tyson, and the firsrt to regain wasfloyd Patterson
Ali lost to Joe Frazier, Ken Norton, Leon Spinks, Larry Holmes andTrever Berbick
Joe Warshaw goes by Joe Poe, J. Louis, and Joe Louis.
In 1954 in Louisville, Kentucky, 12-year-old Cassius Marcellus Clay's bike was stolen while he and a friend were at the Columbia Auditorium. Young Cassius found a cop in a gym, Joe Martin, and boiling with youthful rage, told Martin he was going to "whup" whoever stole his bike. Martin admonished, "You better learn to box first." Within weeks, 89-pound Cassius had his first bout-his first win. For the next 27 years, Cassius would be in that ring. Even in his youth, he had dreams of being heavyweight champion of the world. But his life would take turns that no seer could've predicted.
As Cassius Marcellus Clay he won 20 bouts and won them all. If you count them and the bouts he had as Muhammad Ali, he had a total of 61. He was 56-5.
being the first man to win the world heavyweight championship three times. his stance on the Vietnam war his fights with sonny liston, george foreman, joe frazier and leon spinks his Islamic faith his four wives (not at the same time) his mouth
Joe Louis in his childhood worked in the cotton fields.
Joe Louis was born on May 13, 1914.
Joe Louis Arena was created in 1979.
The Joe Louis Story was created in 1953.
In 1954 in Louisville, Kentucky, 12-year-old Cassius Marcellus Clay's bike was stolen while he and a friend were at the Columbia Auditorium. Young Cassius found a cop in a gym, Joe Martin, and boiling with youthful rage, told Martin he was going to "whup" whoever stole his bike. Martin admonished, "You better learn to box first." Within weeks, 89-pound Cassius had his first bout-his first win. For the next 27 years, Cassius would be in that ring. Even in his youth, he had dreams of being heavyweight champion of the world. But his life would take turns that no seer could've predicted. Actually his bicycle was stolen as repercussion from a "rock fight" on the railroad tracks at 30th and Hale, between Cassius, his younger brother Rudy on one side and Barry Kane and Jim Money on the other side. Either Cassius or Rudy, it is unclear which one, hit Money in the head with one of the thrown rocks. As retaliation, Money stole Cassius bike and stomped the spokes out of the wheels. Later, Cassius and Money confronted each other at the Parkland Ice Plant at 31st and Woodland and had a short street fight over the stolen bike and the rock fight. Police Sgt Joe Martin ordered Clay, Money and Kane to the Columbia Gym for boxing training. Clay, Money or Kane, never faced each other in the ring due to weight class differences. Clay and Kane remained in the program while Money left to Join the Marine Corps. Cassius went on the win the Olympic Gold Medal in Rome in 1960, Barry R. Kane, was the 7 time Golden Gloves Champion for Kentucky and later followed Money into the Marines where Kane holds the 1st round knock out record for boxing smokers at the MCRRD at Parris Island. It has often been said that Kane, pound for pound, was the best boxer ever produced from the State of Kentucky, including Clay. Barry Kane remained very close friends with Cassius until Malcolm X and the Black Muslims recruited Clay to change his name to Muhammad Ali and refuse to accept the draft into the service due to the fact that the Black Muslims considered Clay to be a minister. Clay and Kane remained somewhat friendly toward each other in the later years, however, Money never had much to do with Clay after that, other than an occasional accidental meeting when both were visiting their hometown at the same time.