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High jumps to retrieve the ball.

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Q: How do you catch a ball in netball effectively?
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What pokeball best to catch kryogre?

a netball or a ultra ball

What does a gk do in Netball do?

The goal keeper in netball protects the net and stops the opposition from getting the ball into the net.

Is it easy to catch a ball on a hot or cold day?

It depends if you can catch a ball

What poke ball do you catch azelf with?

a master ball or you can make it go to sleep and make it have low health and catch it with a ultra ball

What ball to use to catch registeel?

master ball

Related questions

How do you catch a ball in netball?

High jumps to retrieve the ball.

What pokeball best to catch kryogre?

a netball or a ultra ball

What foot must be grounded until the ball is released in netball?

The foot that you land on when you catch the ball is the foot you keep on the ground until the ball is released. the best idea is to jump as you catch the ball to avoid having both feet staying still.

Why the ball is used in netball?

If there was no ball it would not be called netball it would be called net

What size ball is used in netball?

a size 4 ball is used for high 5 netball (which is what younger players play) and a size 5 ball is what is used in 7s netball which is what adults play x

What does a wing attack do in netball?

Wing attack helps to take the ball down to their teams goal, they also help to fed the ball in to the D for the shoot or goal attack to catch.

What did the name netball come from?

Netball is a shooting game, but the question is why is netball is called netball, because in netball your throwing the ball in the net so that's called net and the ball that your playing with is called ball so that is ball Net ball

What skills does catching a netball involve?

when passing a netball you have to throw from the chest if you want a good pass

Why do you need power in netball?

Netball players need power for when they're pasing the ball. If you don't have power and you throw the ball to someone it might not reach that person.

How do you get an interception in netball?

Basically, all you have to do, is stand on the side of them (far enough away that they will think you wont be able to intercept), but just as the ball comes, jump sideways and forwards and catch the ball!

How can you improve footwork in netball?

When you catch the ball you are only able to move on one foot and pivot on the other. If you move both feet the other team will get the ball.

How do you draw a netball?

a netball ball is the same as a football only a bit smaller