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The shark was caught a few days after the attack happened

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Q: What year did they find the shark that attacked Bethany Hamilton?
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Did they ever catch the REAL shark for the REAL Bethany Hamilton?

Yes they did, Bethany says it was caught by Ralph Young and Billy Hamilton. You can even find a picture of it in her book.

Did they find the shark that bit Bethany Hamilton?

She was attacked by a 14 feet long Tiger Shark

How old was bethony hamilton when she got her arm bit off?

On that day, at Tunnels Beach in Kauai, Hawaii, there were numerous turtles in the area. And Bethany was also dangling her left arm in the water. What most likely aggravated the shark was the watch reflecting the sun. Sharks are drawn by blood, shiny objects, and reflections.

Is Bethany Hamilton on any virtual games?

Not that I know of because I can't find any

How can authorities find out the type of shark that attacked?

By the teeth marks left behind, the type of shark can be narrowed down.

Is Bethany Hamilton carrying box in thailand in the movie soul surfer?

Yes, and she was one of the Missionaries riding the bus. You can find her story about the Movie made about her on this site.

Were to find a costume on Bethany Hamilton?

There is no costume, but with some imagination, you can make one! (try a bikini bottom and a surf shrt with the top under and hide your arm under!)

What is the climax of movie soul surfer?

I know about the climax because i am a professional teacher that went to the academy of Hawaii for 1 year and 6 months we learned about climaxes. The high climax of the book Soul Surfer is Bethany trying to find out who she wants to be again and trying to find the real her. She wants God to think of her as something good not a person trying to be who there really not. And when bethany hamilton surfs that the biggest way she can express her way to God telling him that she loves him and praises him everyday besides praying and going to church. so, that a bit about the climax if you want more advice go to

Where could one download pictures of Bethany Dillon?

One can download pictures of Bethany Dillon by visiting the Google Images site. One can find pictures of Bethany Dillon by completing a search on this website.

What high school did Bethany Hamilton go to?

She was homeschooled. Read her book she wrote, "Soul Surfer" to find out all about Bethany Hamilton! Gr8 book

Where can you find the shark bait on adventure quest?

ther is no shark bait

Did Bethany Hamilton go to college?

No because she is a famous surfer why would she go she is already rich and famous and has a great job!!! as much as i know........first you should figure out how to spell "college" and she was home schooled. you could read soul surfer to find out more about her though.