Yes they did, Bethany says it was caught by Ralph Young and Billy Hamilton. You can even find a picture of it in her book.
Actually, the shark in the film "Soul Surfer" was computer animation and a maquette made. The real shark was caught and, obviously, films can't use actual sharks. But the shark that attacked Bethany Hamilton was a 14-foot-long tiger shark, which is the second most dangerous shark in the world (right after the great white)
She has blonde hair and one arm
Actually, she did, somewhat. The "off in the distance" one-arm surfing scenes were actually done by Bethany Hamilton herself
No, she wore a green sleeve and it was edited later on to make the illusion that she had no arm. Most of the surf scenes, you don't see her face because it's actually Bethany Hamilton surfing. Pretty smart how they did it, hey?
Of course Bethany is a real name
the type of shark that attacked Bethany is different in the movie than the one that attacked her in real life.
If the book is anything like the movie (too often, that's not the case), then the theme of the book is that what we often think of as important or the be-all end-all really isn't that crucial sometimes and that what we're meant to do is often different than what we think it is, so keep your mind and your heart open. That's what I got from it anyway. I think a secondary theme is also that if you want something, truly know why you want it and keep working smart, not only hard, to achieve it, despite taking some bumps along the way. If anyone thinks I'm wrong, please feel free to improve my answer.
Somewhat. But the meaning behind that name is because her faith in Jesus Christ helped her to win the fight in beating the odds of never being able to surf again. And, to Bethany, surfing is her passion and her way of life
"Wolf shark" is not a real type of shark. It may be a fictional creature or a misinterpretation of a real shark species.
I know about the climax because i am a professional teacher that went to the academy of Hawaii for 1 year and 6 months we learned about climaxes. The high climax of the book Soul Surfer is Bethany trying to find out who she wants to be again and trying to find the real her. She wants God to think of her as something good not a person trying to be who there really not. And when bethany hamilton surfs that the biggest way she can express her way to God telling him that she loves him and praises him everyday besides praying and going to church. so, that a bit about the climax if you want more advice go to