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My son tells me he jumped 18 flat today but he is also thinks that was the farthest for his grade at practice today (8th) as far as he knows.

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Q: What is a good distance for the long jump for an 8th grader?
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What is a long jump?

A good long jump is when u get a good distance that u feel is good but also using good form in the jump wich will help you a lot depending on how far you jump.

What are the long jump rules?

Long jump was started in original Olympics in ancient Greece.

Who has the long jump record in 6th grade long jump?

A jump of 16 ft 2 inches as a 6th grader broke the Illinois state record. But these types of records are not normally recorded or updated for 6th graders.

How long of distance can a bunny jump?

far away

What are dimensions for long jump?

The only dimension is length (or distance).

Why does an athlete run certain distance before taking a long jump?

Its to build up forward momentum so that when they jump they already have a forward motion that would be greater than that of a jump made from standing in one spot. You need forward momentum to get a good long jump and the best way is to have a running start.

Who won the mens long jump in London and what was the distance?

Greg Rutherford, of Great Britain won the Men's Long Jump at the 2012 London Olympics with a jump of 8.31 metres.

What is the distance of the long jump board from the pit?

5 metres exact

What was the men's winning Olympic long jump distance for 2000?

8.55 meters.

Can sprinting spikes be used for long jump and short distance running?

I do long jump, triple jump, and 100m and they work great. But it depends what you consider short distance. work for everything 400m and under. it has no padding on the heel so jumping with sprinting spikes can cause injury.

What does doing a long jump measure?

A long jump measures an athlete's ability to generate power and speed before leaping to cover a horizontally extended distance. It tests explosive strength, coordination, and technique to achieve the farthest jump possible.

What is a good long jump score for a seventh grade boy?

A good long jump score for a seventh grade boy would depend on various factors such as training, experience, and physical development. On average, a distance of around 12-13 feet would be considered a good long jump score for a seventh grade boy. However, improvement is always possible with dedication and practice.