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Q: You are making a mini-parachute out of tissue paper to make a parachute that will stay in the air as long as possible How can you increase drag so that the parachute will stay in the air a long time?
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Related questions

What is the aim of making a parachute?

The aim is to use the right material and the right shapes , i once tried making a parachute and plastic works better than cloth or newspaper or anything else.

You are making a egg parachute at school. What would make a great canopy for it?


When parachute strings are longer why is there more air resistance?

When parachute strings are longer, there is more surface area of the strings exposed to the air. This increases the overall air resistance experienced by the parachute system as a whole, making it slower to fall.

What size of parachute makes a free fall slower?

Depends what you mean by "better". A bigger parachute provides more wind resistant so if you were to jump out of a plane, you would want to go big. If your talking speed (like a running parachute) you would want a small parachute to accommodate how much harder you want to make your run

If we use cotton ropes in making parachute?

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When was the first parachute invented?

The earliest evidence for the parachute dates back to the Renaissance period. The oldest parachute design appears in an anonymous manuscript from 1470s Renaissance Italy .

Does x increase or decrease making the y increase or decrease?

no. :)

Using running parachute to improve speed and strength?

Attaching a parachute to you while you run will catch wind/air, slowing you down. This resistance will make you have to run faster and harder than normal, making your running regimen more intense and effective.

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The answer is Samuel F.B. Morse who invented the Telegraph. because of this he greatly expanded communication making the expansion westward possible and easier.

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Be careful, it is possible.

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By making the animals reproduce

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by making the study practical