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Q: Why shouldn't a parachute be opened at very low or very high altitudeds?
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How do you land safely from high altitudes?

With a parachute

What are some good arguments about primary schools should be the same as high school?

No they shouldnt

The speed of a person parachuting when the surface area of the parachute is 100 square feet?

The decent rate will be significantly high on an open parachute because a 100 square foot parachute is considered to be very small. Therefore the wing loading is high and it is more likely to be a high performance parachute. High performance parachutes have a higher angle of attack and generally need to do a swoop (dive) landing to pick up enough wing speed for a safe landing. On touch down, the decent rate is the same as any other parachute for obvious reasons.

Can geckos get high?

As in Weed/Pot/Marjuana? You shouldnt be getting high as it is against the law in every state/province except California.

Causes objects to fall with different accelerations and speeds?

gravity, drag, if an object has a high mass number it falls quicker and if it has a large surface area it falls slower. Think about it this way, if you throw a parachute unopened it will hit the ground before an opened parachute. There are many conditions to take accountable like wind, resistance or drag, and sometimes temperature like in a hot air ballon.

When did Magnolia Junior High in Chino open?

Magnolia Junior High opened in 1967, 4 years after Ramona Junior High opened in 1963

How high does a parachute fly?

A parachute can fly as high as the person or object carrying it jumps or falls from. Parachutes are designed to open and slow the descent of the person or object at a specific altitude to ensure a safe landing.

How do you use a parachute in roblox?

I've never done that but this might work: 1. Jump off the ledge thing 2. wait until you get close to the bottom then bring your parachute out. OR after the other person brings there parachute out. Hope that helps!

Can you jump out of a plane with no parachute 100 feet high and land on concrete and still live?


When was John XXIII high school opened in dorval quebec?

The school opened in 1964

What is the 1st junior high in Chino CA?

Chino Junior High, which was closed down when Ramona Junior High was opened in 1963. Magnolia Junior High was opened 4 years later

How can you drop from high places without being hurt?

You use a parachute and you learn how to roll when you hit the ground.