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Because it is considered unsportsmanlike.

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Q: Why is excessive celebration is such a serious penalty?
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What is the penalty for excessive celebration after a touchdown on the NFL?

15 yards for 'unsportsman like conduct'.

What is the penelty for excessive celebration in the end zone?

you get a penalty and have to redo the touchdown. The above answer is wrong. Excessive celebration is a dead-ball personal foul. Because a dead-ball foul occurs after the play is over, the touchdown still stands. The 15-yard penalty is assessed on the ensuing kickoff.

IS there a penalty for excessive celebration in hi school?

yes, that penalty would cause you 15-yards and possibly an ejection from the game, but the ejection part is not likely....most of the time.

NCAA rules In the event of unsportsman like conduct do to excessive celebration after a touchdown what is the penalty and is it assessed on the extra pointconversion or on the kick off?


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Excessive Celebration Extra Time

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punish, penalty, take away, penalize, punishment

Why is a celebration is such a big penalty?

because it makes the other team feel bad. and its unsportsmanlike conduct.

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The offending player is given an excessive time out penalty. The penalty carries 5 yards for either offense or defense.

What will happen if you have excessive chromosomes in your body?

Nothing serious will happen.

Penatly for excessive celebration after touchdown in college football?

fifteen yards either on the extra point of kickoff

A person accused of a serious crime does NOT have what?

immunity from the death penalty

Has a black woman ever been sentenced to the death penalty?

Of course, death penalty are sentenced to people who have done serious crime regarless of their race