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People do extreme sports for the adventure and the adrenaline rush that it gives them. Most extreme sports enthusiasts have trained for years to get the skills needed for their extreme sport.

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Q: Why do people do extreme sports?
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What are facts about extreme sports?

do things which are admired by other people. There is even a special TV channel- Extreme Sports, where everyone can watch amazing tricks, and crazy people who make...

What causes people to do extreme sports?

for most people, its the fun and almost euphoric feeling they get of being scared then overcoming obstacles. basically they participate in extreme sports for the adrenaline rush.

How is adrenaline related to extreme sports?

it has things that are cool with extreme sports and bikes

When did Deca Sports Extreme happen?

Deca Sports Extreme happened in 2011.

When was Extreme Sports Channel created?

Extreme Sports Channel was created in 1999.

Why do you do extreme sports?

Extreme sports gives me a rush of adrenaline. For people like me, who take part in extreme sports whenever they can, we do it for the thrill, for the fun. I've been sky diving, parachuting, bungee jumping, cliff diving.... ect. Basically, we do extreme sport because it's fun and, for most people, out of their comfort zone. You should try it!

When was Deca Sports Extreme created?

Deca Sports Extreme was created on 2011-04-28.

When did Extreme Sports with the Berenstain Bears happen?

Extreme Sports with the Berenstain Bears happened in 2000.

How many people die each year from extreme sports a year?

approximately 10-20 people die every year from extreme sports but I could be wrong my self

When was Extreme Sports with the Berenstain Bears created?

Extreme Sports with the Berenstain Bears was created in 2000-11.

What type of people do extreme sports attrad?

People that like pushing themselvs to the limit, adrenalin junkies. highly competitive people.

Most played extreme sports?

many people like the thrill and adrenaline rush of skydiving