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approximately 10-20 people die every year from extreme sports but I could be wrong my self

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8y ago
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12y ago

well, it varys from year to year but the closest estimate i've seen is 12

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14y ago

About a million people have died from extreme sports. Some of which include working out alone.

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13y ago

Worldwide, there are several hundred deaths due to participation in what are regarded in extreme sports.. (There are tens of thousands more injuries, as well.)

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How ever many men your mom slept with

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7. no more, no less

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Q: How many people die each year from extreme sports a year?
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Why do people participate in Extreme Sports?

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The main disadvantages of extreme sports are: 1) high relative cost (travel, equipment) 2) high risk of injury 3) the related problem that few regulatory bodies exist 4) equipment tends to be non-standardized or ill-fitting Although there are now professional associations for many "extreme sports," many have no provisions for health, welfare, or insurance. Equipment tends to have greater modifications and less rigorous safety testing. The biggest disadvantage is the lack of experience by many participants, leading to serious injury or death. Sometimes one competitor inadvertently endangers others. Even so plebeian an activity as "bungee jumping" causes thousands of injuries each year. Organized extreme sports are done at higher speeds, or greater risk, and there are several well-publicized fatalities each year.

How many people tryout for professional sports each year?

I actually don't know, but if you count all sports I would say around 400 to 900 people. if you don't, well your screwed.

How many pages are in Maximum Ride saving the world and other extreme sports?

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Should racing on motor bikes be banned?

To begin with, Extreme Sports are tons of fun! They are completely adrenalin packed as well and it'd be pretty bad to see the looks on people's faces if they were taken away from them!In my opinion, Extreme Sports shouldn't be banned but if you think that Extreme Sports should be banned then feel free to go by your own opinion! Here are some reasons why Extreme Sports should be banned:- They are of high risk and could easily cause your death- If someone dies, their loved ones will be left very upset- They have been many many deaths over the past two decades!- So if we keep Extreme Sports on the go, there will be lots of more deaths- If we keep Extreme Sports, many little children who view these acts will be tempted to try the same thing which would not end happily for the little kidI hope these reasons helped you Wether you're writing an exposition or just proving a point. :O)

How many people play sports?

Many people play sports. But the United States has the most athletic people.

Why is California very popular for extreme sports?

It is very hot, it is a pretty large state, they can become famous for there talents there easily, and it has a huge population so many people can come to watch.

Safety Tips for Participating in Extreme Sports?

For many people a very fun and exciting activity which can take place throughout the year are extreme sports. Extreme sports are sports which are generally thought of to take place in nature, test the body's extreme strengths, and be more dangerous in nature. These sports typically include mountain climbing, surfing, skiing in extreme conditions or unkempt slopes, or even sky diving. Naturally, these sports are fairly dangerous and can place someone's life on the line more so than more traditional sports. Luckily, there are ways that you can limit the dangers of extreme sports and make them as safe as possible. One way to limit the dangers of extreme sports is to only perform them if you are in good physical condition. Many of the extreme sports require periods of extreme physical exertion which will test not only you muscular fitness but your cardiovascular fitness as well. Due to this it is important that you are in good cardiovascular shape but also have the lean muscle mass to move your body at will. Being in good shape will give you an advantage and will help you recover from some situations that people in poor physical shape would not be able to recover from. When planning to take part in some extreme sports you could also increase the safety of the sport dramatically simply by using all of the recommended equipment. Most of the more popular extreme sports have full lines of apparel and equipment which are designed to help perform in the sport. While it may not be necessary to purchase and use every piece of equipment that is available, most sports do have a basic set of equipment need. By skipping out on some of these pieces of equipment to save money or make it more challenging, you will be placing yourself and anyone else you are with at great risk. When planning an extreme sport trip you should also be well advised of the conditions that you will be participating in. Since most extreme sports take place in the outdoors, the level of the challenge is greatly altered by the current weather conditions. While it may seem like a perfect day, the weather could change instantly once you are in the middle of the activity. Because of this it is important to read current weather and advisory reports prior to going on your trip.

What is the estimate of how many people play sports?

89% out of 100% people play sports.