Not being allowed to participate in sports at all is most dangerous. Kids are tough, let him pick whatever he's interested in. No matter the sport, there are going to be a few bumps and bruises, and he'll grow up to be a better man because of it.
i get what you mean though most boys do like footie ............x
The Pankration :)
I think the most dangerous sport is Football because your getting tackled a lot and plus my brother got a concussion because of Football so I am going with Football is the most dangerous sport. I hope that answered your question.
depends on the sport but in my opinion it is the goalie
According to many other websites it is the most competitive foot sport and 6th most dangerous sport
Actually it is Jai Alai the most dangerous sport in the worl also BASE jumping is also one. extreme surfing is the most dangerous you are surfing tsunamis
foot ball is the most dangerouse4 sport because it hard and you could get hurt durring it