That depends on which country you live in. The best way to find out where to skydive is to look for you National skydiving association. For example in the UK, its the British Parachute Association. They hold a list of all parachuting centres (also known as dropzones).
Another way is to use a search engine and type your location, for example 'skydiving Yorkshire'. The vast majority of dropzones have websites and they should appear when you search.
If you are looking to do just a single skydive, it is recommended to do a tandem skydiving jump as your first. This is where you are harnessed to an experienced instructor and you can experience freefall for up to a minute.
I would add that the first jump method is not "recommended." True, the vast majority of first jumps are done with the tandem system these days. That said, what is best for any particular student depends on the student and his motivation. You can also make a first skydive through Static Line, Instructor Assisted Deployment, and Accelerated Free Fall. Every method of first jump has it's advantages, no method is the best, but many skydivers will tell you that one is better than another. People will push one method over another generally for business reasons, personal opinion, or ignorance of the other training methods.
Have a nice day!
Martin Myrtle
Air Capital Drop Zone
Skydiving can be done all over the world. Most people begin with a tandem skydive where you are hooked up to a qualified experienced instructor.
Jumps usually take place at small airfields away from major commerical airports. Most countries have a federation or association which manages all the dropzones in its country. For instance, in the UK, this job falls upon the British Parachute Association.
The true answer is many people "plays skydiving". One of the great aspects of the sport is that people of all social classes and backgrounds participate. The only people who do not "play skydiving" are those who are younger than 16 (in the UK) or those who have a medical condition.
If first you don't succeed, skydiving is not for you.
Skydiving is always cool ;)
There is nothing like skydiving in Bangladesh.
no, skydiving Elsinore is in riverside county
A skydiving ball is a small object that contains a skydiving script, sitting on the ball will simulate a skydive.
Indoor skydiving is currently not available.
Check out the related link for more information on indoor skydiving.
These are; Canton Air Sports SkyDive Columbus Cleveland Parachute Center Start Skydiving Skydive Rick's Aerohio Skydiving Center TopFun Skydiving Skydive Warren County Skydive Greene County
skydiving means in French "faire du parachutisme, sauter en parachute"
One can find more information about skydiving in the UK at several online sites. Some of these sites with UK skydiving information are "Ukskydiving" and "Skydivenorthwest".